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      Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Atlanta, GA

      Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Atlanta GA
      Posted on August 13, 2016

      As the body ages, changes naturally occur in the body’s endocrine system, a network of organs and tissues that are responsible for producing hormones.

      These hormonal changes are associated with menopause in women, low testosterone in men, changes in metabolism and body weight, and other undesirable effects of getting older.

      Bioidentical hormone therapy, available right here in Atlanta, Georgia, offers a solution to decreasing levels of important hormones. The term “bioidentical” means that on a molecular level, the hormones used are identical to those that occur naturally in the human body. This therapeutic approach to aging is most commonly used to restore a person’s levels of sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. The main cause of hormone depletion is the aging process and corresponding changes in the body. However, lifestyle factors like psychological stress, poor sleep, and poor nutrition can exacerbate the problem.

      In women, the five-year period leading up to menopause is marked by significant hormonal changes. This can lead to mood abnormalities, fatigue, low libido, weight gain, and other issues. In men, testosterone decreases gradually, beginning as early as age 30. By the time both genders reach middle age, hormone depletion takes a serious toll on energy, vitality, libido, and health. Bioidentical hormone replacement can hold the key to renewed youthfulness.

      Why Bioidentical Hormones?

      Bioidentical hormones are an alternative to hormone replacements that are similar but not identical to the real thing. It’s important to note that even naturally occurring hormone replacements may not be identical to those in the human body.

      Bioidentical hormones are generally synthesized in a laboratory, but because their structure is identical on a molecular level, they carry less risk of side effects, and their effects in the body are well understood. For many people in Atlanta, GA, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has made a massive difference in both their physical health, and their personal happiness.

      Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Atlanta, GA

      For both men and women, the aging process can take its toll on your health, energy levels, happiness, and sense of well-being. If you suffer from low hormone levels, bioidentical hormone therapy can provide numerous physical and mental benefits.

      • Improving mood balance. Hormones and the endocrine system have an effect on your moods and emotional states. Low estrogen or low testosterone interferes with your normal neurochemistry, producing the emotional lability that causes unpredictable “mood swings.” Hormonal imbalances can also trigger a mood disorder like clinical depression or anxiety, especially in people with a history of mental illness.
      • Increasing muscle mass. Men with low testosterone levels often struggle to maintain a healthy amount of lean muscle, even with exercise and a healthy diet. Restoring testosterone with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help improve fitness in older men.
      • Fat loss. When your muscle mass increases, it raises your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This means that your body use more calories to keep itself alive, making you less likely to accumulate unwanted fat. In women, low estrogen levels trigger the body to try to conserve its estrogen by storing it in fat deposits. With bioidentical hormone replacement, the body no longer needs to create estrogen storage, making you less likely to put on weight.
      • Higher libido. Hormones have an instrumental influence on your desire for sexual activity. When they’re restored to their normal levels, you’ll find that your sex drive improves. Hormone replacement can also improve erectile function in men, and improve vaginal lubrication in women.
      • Healthier sleeping. Imbalanced hormone levels interfere with the function of the hypothalamus, impairing your sleep-wake cycle.
      • Higher bone density. Both estrogen and testosterone have an effect on the way the body absorbs calcium, but older women are at especially high risk of calcium depletion and osteoporosis. Restoring your hormone levels helps your body regulate calcium absorption effectively, keeping your bones healthy and strong.

      Many older people have benefited immensely from undergoing bioidentical hormone replacement to restore their body’s natural balance. From better physical health and strength, to stable moods and healthier sleeping patterns, this therapeutic approach can restore a lost sense of youthfulness and vitality.

      Request Your Appointment Today!

      To request your appointment, please call (770) 800-3353 or contact us online today!

      Our Location

      1801 Peachtree Rd, Suite 145
      Atlanta, GA 30309
      Phone: (770) 800-3353
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